Oil on canvas, 56 inches wide x 66 inches high, 2025. -
THE EXODUS Machyar Kumbang, 2024; 120 inches wide x 94 inches high, oil on canvas. The underpainting is complete, signed and dated. The story is concerning events, symbolized, that happened in the Mediterranean and Andaman seas in which Rohingya and Syrian people taking desperate measures as taking refuge for new life through sea. The piece… Read more »
LHOKNGA BEACH OF SUMATRA Machyar Kumbang, 2022; 40 inches wide x 30 inches high, oil on canvas. The breeze by the epicenter of Indian Ocean Tsunami, which struck as far as the coast of East Africa year 2004.
SURGEON GRAY’S ANATOMY LESSON Work in progress, 2019, dimensions: 108 inches wide x 82 inches high. The characters have been revealed and brought to the forefront, and I will address those historical figures as the painting comes to a completion. The piece is still in first stage, overlay pigment, and I am deploying oil base… Read more »
THE WHALE Machyar Kumbang, 2012; oil on linen, 39 inches wide x 29 inches high. Price on Request Close-up views for details Inspiration. I love the story of Moby-Dick. A brilliant work of Herman Melville. Though, the piece I created is not about hunting the white whale or other kind of big whale. What I’m trying to describe is… Read more »
WAGON TRAVELERS ENCOUNTERING THE LION. Machyar Kumbang, (work-in-progress/2022); oil sketch on canvas, 106 inches wide x 80 inches high.
THE RED BARN Machyar Kumbang, 2017; oil on canvas, 40 inches wide x 30 inches high.
MUSIC AND HARVEST Machyar Kumbang, 2017; oil on canvas, 50 inches wide x 40 inches high. City site of Washington D.C. A close-up view for details
MERAPI Machyar Kumbang, 2006; oil on panel, 28 inches wide x 24 inches high. Price on Request
APPROACHING STORM OVER SAVANNAH’S PRAIRIE Machyar Kumbang, 2016; oil on canvas, 40 inches wide x 30 inches high. Price on Request